FatdogArm on Cubox-i - update

FatdogArm now runs with Cubox-i i2w and i4p; supporting all features of FatdogArm plus i.MX6-specific hardware acceleration (vivante video driver, VPU, gstreamer, ALSA hardware resampler). Cubox-i is the *the only* ARM platform I have where you xrandr works correctly and you can change resolution on the fly. Kudos to Freescale to make this happen.

On the other hand, the only thing currently not working on Cubox-i is the GPU (OpenGLES stuff). I have an open thread in the forum here: http://www.solid-run.com/community/post9713.html#p9713. All my other ARM platforms have their GPUs running, this is the only platform which it isn't (you've got Xorg hard lockups when trying to run any OpenGLES programs with GPU acceleration).

Posted on 8 Jul 2014, 4:23 - Categories: FatdogArm Linux Arm
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