New forum for Fatdog

Fatdog has, for years, since its inception, always been piggybacking on Puppy Linux forum. Firstly because of its obvious roots; also because we simply didn't have enough man power to run and police an independent forum ourselves.

As the previous blog entry indicates, however, John de Murga, the owner of the Puppy Linux forum, sadly passed away, and the original Puppy Linux forum went down (for a time).

Behind the scenes people are frantically working to bring it up, but there are also efforts to setup a replacement forums, including one by rockedge.

By now, both efforts have been fruitful: the old forum has been resurrected and the rockedge forum has flourished with old and new members (re-)joining it.

The stewards of Puppy Linux has decided that the old forum will continue in read-only mode as archives, while rockedge forum will take over as the new Puppy Linux forum.

Rockedge has graciously offered a section of the forum specifically for Fatdog, for which we are very grateful.

After some internal discussions, we have decided to take the offer and continue the tradition of piggybacking on Puppy Linux forum. All of Fatdog team members have now re-joined there as well.

For your reference:

The new forum address: (Fatdog posts will be in the Fatdog section)

The old (archived) forum (in case you need to review/check old postings for older version of Fatdogs): (Fatdog posts are in the Puppy Projects section)

We'll see you there in the new forum!

Posted on 19 Aug 2020, 14:31 - Categories: Fatdog64 Linux PuppyLinux
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Posted on 9 Jul 2021, 04:08 by Miguel Herrera
"So do you have Bible study software on Fatdog64?"
I've been reading some of your post and discern that you might be inclined to Bible study. if you have a way to install some Bible study software on Fatdog64 I would be happy to use it.

I have a very old Acer Travelmate and I need a good 'low resource' distro. What stops me from using most distros is the availability of Bible study software.

Thank you for any suggestions you might offer.

Miguel Herrera (missions.mike at gmail)

Posted on 17 Oct 2021, 01:06 by jamesbond
"Yes, we have Bible study software"
Hi Miguel, I'm sorry for the late reply.

To answer your question, yes, we do have Bible study software. It's Bibletime (from this site) and it is available from the Gslapt package manager.

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