Welcome to the new decade ... or not!

This new year 2020 is a new year that is divisble by ten. It changes the second digit from "1" in 2019 to "2" in 2020.

A lot of people are wishing me happy new year and also welcoming me to the new decade. I am grateful for their well-wishes.

Except for one thing.

2020 is not the start of the new decade. Just like year 2000 is not the start of the new millenium. The new decade starts at year 2021. Just like the 21st century starts at 2001, not at 2000. Year 2000 belongs to the 20th century.

In case you don't see why: it is because we start counting our calender at Year 1 AD. So the first decade - all ten years of it - would be the counting numbers from 1 to 10. The second decade starts at year 11 AD.

But of course, I'm being pedantic. Who cares anyway. Calendars have always been subject to various "adjustments"; and different cultures use different calendars. Those still using Julian calendars have not celebrated the new year yet, it is still 9 days away at the time of writing.

PS: We do not have Year Zero. The year before 1 AD is year 1 BC.

Posted on 4 Jan 2020, 01:42 - Categories: General
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