Old blog posts

Long before time began, I had a blog. It was on a shared blogospace. I have long forgotten about it, but a few days ago I remembered about it and visited the site. To my surprise, it still exists; my old posts are still there. As if time stands still.

I tried to login to that site, but Google wouldn't let me. I used Yahoo email for the login id; and I haven't accessed that email account for ages. When I tried to do that, it wouldn't recognise my password. In the light of Yahoo's massive data breach a couple years ago, this isn't surprising. I tried to recover the account using my other emails, but it didn't work either. Well, that's too bad, but I wouldn't have expected an abandoned blog to exist at all.

What I am going to do, instead, is I will scrape the text off that blog; and I will re-post some of the more interesting ones here. There are some unfinished posts there too; those whose subject I still remember I will publish the complete version here too.

Posted on 11 Jan 2018, 17:20 - Categories: General
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