Fatdog64 Update

I have been busy with FatdogArm in recent times but it doesn't mean that Fatdog64 is ignored. In fact, the development of the next version of Fatdog64 is currently in the works now.

Fatdog64 development usually alternates between two phases - development phase and release phase.

During development phase, kirk and I get very active and do all the usual stuff you usually attribute to "development" - and in between we will release alpha or beta releases in quick succession for others to tests so that we can squash the bugs. When the quality is good enough, we will make a release - this marks the beginning of the release phase.

During this release phase, generally all development slows down except for immediate bug fixes and/or experimental ideas for the next release; it also helps to relieve us from burnouts and focus on other things in life. After a while (usually a period of between 3 to 6 months), the development phase will begin again.

Fatdog64 621 was last released on 8 May this year, so it is due for a refresh, which is in the works. One of the thing we waited before we update Fatdog64 was for kernel 3.11, which, among others, comes with improved power management for radeon cards.

The next release of Fatdog64 will still be based on the 600-series base; this (barring unforeseen circumstances) will be the final release of the series, and expected to last until early next year - thus making the entire series to last about two years from its initial release (which is another Fatdog tradition - Fatdog64 500 series also last for about two years from its initial release).

It is exciting times; we have Fatdog Next running in our system and while we still have to tweak it, things are looking good.

Posted on 9 Oct 2013, 18:51 - Categories: Fatdog64
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