FatdogArm on OLPC XO laptop
In my previous post I said:In case you are wondering, I already have another target system for FatdogArm - all will be revealed in due time

Well the cat is out of the bag: FatdogArm has been "adopted" by the Puppy_on_OLPC project to run on One Laptop Per Child - OLPC's XO laptop

I have been working with mavrothal (forum member from Puppy Linux Forum). mavrothal is the key person and project lead for PuppyLinux XO (XOpup for short) project. XOpup is a modified version of Puppy Linux specially created to run on XO laptop.
When XO transitioned their laptops hardware from x86 (AMD Geode and VIA7-based) to ARM, the XOpup project went into slow-down because there were no Puppy Linux for the ARM platform (well, there was Puppy Lui for Mele and Puppy Sap6 but both were not updated for a long while); thus there was no base for build XOpup for ARM-based XO.
FatdogArm (and Fatdog) is a fork of Puppy Linux which still maintains the spirit and ideals of Puppy Linux; plus it tries to be SoC-agnostic as much as possible; thus it is a natural conclusion to use FatdogArm a base to continue XOpup - and the collaboration is born.
I am still waiting (and looking forward to!) the arrival of my XO-1.75 laptop, meanwhile mavrothal has gone forward and made FatdogArm to run on XO-4 laptop, here with a picture: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=721450#721450
Exciting days afoot!

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