FatdogArm - the last hurdle
The last few days were hard work in choosing and deciding package manager to use (spoiler: I've finally decided on Slackware's pkgtools and slapt-get/gslapt); and then converting packages from paco's format into pkgtools, adding descriptions and dependency information, etc.The choosing of the package manager is especially important. In case one wonder why a lowly package manager is important, please consider what its job is, here. You may be surprised.
Along with that, I have reduced the size of the basesfs from 450MB to a more manageable 280MB by uninstalling less-used packages (they are in the repository in case you need them) and getting rid of the /usr/share/locale (that's a 130MB worth of stuff in itself), and removing all the static libraries except those required by gcc (saves 30MB). I could go lower by taking out the docs and using xz compression instead of gzip - in fact I can easily go down to less than 200MB, but that can wait (and I like having all the docs available locally too).
All in all, FatdogArm is now nearing completion. I just need to tie some loose ends; some other articles I plan to write, etc. The alpha release of FatdogArm image is imminent. It only work on Mele but due to the way it is built; it is easy to adopt it for other systems too. In fact, now that I think about it, I may write an article of how exactly to do that. (In case you are wondering, I already have another target system for FatdogArm - all will be revealed in due time

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