Touchscreen input for FatdogArm

The tablet provide to be a distraction I am supposed to start doing something about the package management, but instead I was tinkering with the touchscreen to try to get it working.

I was rather lucky, the touchscreen was supported by the kernel I built, so it was a matter of modprobing the correct driver, followed by building tslib and xf64-input-tslib (touchscreen driver for Xorg). With this, the touchscreen then works like a touchpad: I can move the pointer, tap-to-click, and tap-to-drag.

When added with xvkbd (virtual keyboard), one gets a rather complete input system on the tablet: mouse and keyboard entry. However I can tell you that using mouse idioms on a touchscreen is very inefficient indeed, unless large adjustments are made.

The main toolkit on FatdogArm currently is GTK2 which isn't touch-aware. I tried reading a document with evince - it works, but to scroll I need to tap the scrollbar and the scrollbar is tiny. It could be made better if I use a larger scrollbar, but still.

GTK3 is rumoured to support touch gestures. I suppose I should try that - when the tablet returns.

Ref: Touchscreen Input article.

Posted on 17 Aug 2013, 1:20 - Categories: FatdogArm Linux Arm
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