Native compiler working

I have completed Chapter 5 of LFS and have a working hard-float native compiler. I am now at early steps of Chapter 6, working my way towards getting distribution version of the toolchain. Looking good!

And 1Hz of ARM cycle is definitely not worth 1Hz of x86 cycle. My 1GHz A10 feels like 600 MHz Celeron Took me 3.5 hours to build gcc and I had to do it a couple of times since LFS is well, not exactly targeted towards ARM - plus I changed direction from the default soft-float to hard-float in the middle of the compile --- and I had to do that 5 times

This is looking more and more attractive now, but I'm a little tight with the budget right now so that'll have to wait.

I'm logging the final installs with paco. I'm still considering what package management to use, since paco doesn't support pulling packages from remote location (paco and gpaco is for managing local packages only). I have slapt-get and gslapt in mind, but I will have to think further.

Posted on 30 Jul 2013, 5:51 - Categories: FatdogArm Linux Arm
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