Fatdog64 sandbox as application container

Fatdog64 has a built-in sandbox for experimenting. It is an old feature, existing since as early as Fatdog64 520. It has been a useful feature, I use it almost always when it comes to building and packaging applications. But it has one main weakness - there can only be one sandbox running at one time. In other words, you cannot run multiple sandboxes at the same time.

That restriction was largely for stability reasons (long time ago, the sandbox didn't have proper termination code - you could accidentally close the sandbox shell and the sandbox will continue to run, with no way to properly shut it down). That has been addressed for a while now so it is no longer an issue.

But what purpose would it serve to be able to run multiple sandboxes? After all, sandbox was originally invented to "test foreign applications" by installing them in a throwaway memory filesystem (tmpfs). What good use could ever come out of running it multiple times?

The key answer is rw-sandbox. Sandbox actually consist of two applications - sandbox proper and a counter-part called rw-sandbox. rw-sandbox is an under-utilised, under-appreciated application that works and behaves just like the regular sandbox except that it stores all the changes (="state" if you will) into a persistent image file instead of in a throwaway memory layer. Thus it is possible to start an rw-sandbox session, do something and then leave, to return and re-start the session later and find all the changes are still there. The difference between sandbox and rw-sandbox is just like running Fatdog without a savefile (sandbox) and with a savefile (rw-sandbox) - in fact rw-sandbox's image has identical format as Fatdog's savefile.

As it turned out, rw-sandbox is ideal for isolate applications. One can install and run an application into a rw-sandbox, and keep its state - the binaries, the configuration files, etc, from one invocation to another - just like as if the application is installed on the main system itself. In fact, with rw-sandbox, I could install the same application in multiple rw-sandboxes, each with a different configuration. Pop! Instant "multiple-profile" for applications even for those who don't support it natively. I could also install different version of the application, without conflicting with each other.

This also happens to be another way to deliver packages - instead of the regular PET package or SFS package, one can deliver a compressed rw-sandbox image. It has the benefits of containing both the application binaries *and* configuration in one place - the rw-sandbox. (Using PET, both the binaries and configs are stored in savefile. Using SFS, the binaries is in the SFS but the configs is in the savefile).

In other words, one can use rw-sandbox as an "application container". And what makes it more useful is that since the application (and all of its configuration) resides outside the savefile, outside the OS), one can upgrade the system (within limits of compatibility), the OS, etc even wiping out and re-creating savefile from scratch if need to, and the application and its data is still faithfully there for you to use.

And how about backing up? As easy as backing up a savefile: copy the rw-sandbox image, and you're good to go.

Of course, it is only useful if we can run multiple sandboxes at the same time - otherwise it is too restrictive if when I run LibreOffice from the sandbox, I can't run Sweet Home 3D stored in different sandbox.

That would be motivation enough to modify sandbox, and so I did. Multiple sandbox can now be run at the same time; and this change will be in the next release of Fatdog.

Note: The sandbox is currently implemented as chroot jail. As such, it currently only isolates the filesystem, but nothing else. Applications within sandboxes shares networks, process ids etc with the rest of the system and thus malicious applications can easily kill each other, even on those on the "host" or on another sandbox. Thus this method is only suitable for "well-behaved" applications. Obviously this method would also not be suitable for "network" or "server" applications (those that listens on sockets), unless you can configure which socket to listen/connect to so they don't try to stomp on each other's network sockets.

If you want complete isolation then consider using other methods, such as User Mode Linux (UML) discussed here (also included in Fatdog64, see this FAQ entry) or even KVM/Qemu (available from the Package Manager). In the future, I may add Linux Containers too.

Posted on 23 May 2013, 3:36 - Categories: Fatdog64 Linux
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